Mineral Rights For PNG Landowners

Just three weeks ago we reported on the Ramu Nickel case that placed cash before custom in Papua New Guinea. The next day, on 2 August, there was a change of government in Papua New Guinea. What also followed was an important change of policy intent by the new...

Who Are We Aiding?

Last week’s budget saw an increase in Australia’s overseas aid program which was criticised by shadow treasurer Joe Hockey in light of the many Australian families who are ‘doing it tough’. There is no denying that many Australians face cost of...

Climate Aid Budget

“The Budget commits $251 million to climate aid. This is derisory. Australia’s fair share is at least $2 billion. We are denying real help to societies that today are bearing the brunt of climate change,” said AID/WATCH spokesperson, Dr James Goodman. In its recent...