Oct 17, 2022 | Alternatives to Green Extractivism, IN THE NEWS, VIDEO
Scouring the globe, Australian corporations and investors are expanding into new territories, both domestically and internationally, for new sources of “critical and strategic” minerals for the “green energy transition” to a zero carbon world. These minerals include lithium, copper, nickel, rare earth, and cobalt.
Oct 17, 2022 | Alternatives to Green Extractivism, IN THE NEWS, VIDEO
A webinar on post-extractivism on how modern industrialised societies have been built on an extractivist culture and economy, and explore what our society and economy could look like if we shift to a regenerative, rather than an extractivist mode of operating.
EXPERT REPORTS ON THE LYNAS PDF EIS FROM MARCH 2021 Reject the New Lynas EIS Radioactive Waste Permanent Disposal Facility (PDF) in Kuantan MAKE A SUBMISSION NOWVIEW PREVIOUS SUBMISSION EXPERT REPORT SUBMISSIONS ON LYNAS EIS March 2021 that was rejected 1....