It’s time to remember just what the existing foreign policy has delivered. Since the 2003 White Paper, Advancing the National Interest, Australia has routinely undermined global norms. We have been at the forefront of breaking global commitments on military...
MEDIA RELEASE: Australian Aid Monitor Calls for Transparency over Papua New Guinea APEC Funding
AID/WATCH, an independent watchdog on aid and trade, has today written to Foreign Minister Julie Bishop calling for transparency over the level of funding being provided to the 2018 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum to be held in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea,...
REPORT: Australia’s ‘New Aid Paradigm’: Beyond ODA?
Since the election of a conservative Government in late 2013 the Australian aid program has been radically transformed. Under the Government’s ‘new aid paradigm’ it is difficult to recognise aid as having a meaningful development mandate beyond promoting the private...
Worried About The TPP? Australia Is Pushing Another Bad Deal
Originally published in New Matilda on 18 November 2015. https://newmatilda.com/2015/11/18/worried-about-the-tpp-australia-is-pushing-another-bad-deal/. By Thulsi Narayanasamy. Despite receiving little attention in Australia, efforts to establish a new regional...
Australia’s ambassadors are meeting behind closed doors in Canberra this week, to discuss the Government’s proposed new direction on foreign policy. While paying more than a $1 million on talking to their ambassadors. There have been two months of by-invitation DFAT...
Are you concerned about Australia’s impact on the world? If so, you should tell the Government what you think. The Australian Government is currently calling for public submissions for its Foreign Policy White Paper. If you feel as we do about the direction of...
MEDIA RELEASE: Australian Aid Monitor Releases Report Card on the Aid Program Under the Liberal/National Government
AID/WATCH, an independent watchdog on aid and trade has released a report card of the Australian aid program under the coalition. The report card shows that under the Liberal/National Coalition aid has not only reduced at an unprecedented rate, the lowest level as a...
We Took Part In An Australian Aid Program. It Was More About Helping Your Country Than Ours
Originally published in New Matilda on 6 November 2015. https://newmatilda.com/2015/11/06/we-took-part-in-an-australian-aid-program-it-was-more-about-helping-your-country-than-ours/ By Aminio David and Anita Tenkon. Advocates for traditional landowners in Vanuatu,...
AID/WATCH Submission to the DFAT White Paper Consultation, 2017
DOWNLOAD SUBMISSION James Goodman (Chair) Aidwatch welcomes the opportunity to participate in consultations regarding the proposed new White Paper for Australian Foreign Policy. AID/WATCH is an independent watchdog that campaigns against the use of Australia’s aid...
53 organisations call on Labor to reject failed TPP
6 February 2016 | Dear Senator, Reject the failed TPP and ensure fairness in future trade deals, including the RCEP We the undersigned 53 community organisations, representing over two million Australians, call on you to reject the failed Trans-Pacific Partnership...
Publish What You Fund’s 2016 Aid Transparency Index
A Publish What You Fund report on aid transparency has ranked Australia 25 out of 46 major aid donors in meeting transparency standards agreed to at the Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Busan in 2011, scoring less than 50% on the index. The report...
MEDIA RELEASE: Aid monitor says size of budget less important than harmful nature of foreign aid policy
MEDIA RELEASE 12 May 2015 SYDNEY: Australian independent aid monitor, AID/WATCH, has announced they are pleased to see that there are no further budget cuts to foreign aid. They are using this as a chance to call for greater scrutiny from both the Opposition...