AID/WATCH 20th Anniversary Celebration
Book tickets here nowAID/WATCH the story so far...Twenty years ago, AID/WATCH was formed in a living room in Sydney by a handful of activists concerned that Australia’s overseas aid money was making life harder for the very people it was supposed to...
AID/WATCH event: After RIO+20 and Copenhagen: Advancing Environmental Justice
The recent failure of the Rio+20 conference to agree on a real and just framework to reverse the environmental crises we face was the latest in a series of unsuccessful UN conferences, including the yearly international climate talks. Nnimmo Bassey, chair of Friends...
As long as the rich can speculate on food, the world’s poor go hungry
WHEN we think of overseas aid, we think of helping people who need it. The government says aid helps people overcome poverty. But does it? Obviously, to overcome poverty we have to overcome the causes of poverty, and the big causes of poverty today are untouched by...
AIDWATCH in the news: Clowns in Sydney anti-mining protest
Troubled Australian aid project to restart in Cambodia: AusAID dodging transparency
17th July 2012 Troubled Australian aid project to restart in Cambodia: AusAID dodging transparency AID/WATCH condemns the restarting of the troubled Cambodian Railways Project just months after Toll Royal Railways suspended it, without any...
AID/WATCH at the One Just World Forum
Are we making a difference?The successes and challenges of international aidThe world’s poorest face a constant battle to survive. They have inadequate access to health, education and other services. They face problems of hunger, malnutrition and disease. They...
AID/WATCH in the news: ‘NGOs worry new Australian aid Framework may hamper independence’
Australia has just released the AusAID Civil Society Engagement Framework.It is advocates a sustainable approach to overcoming poverty through better service delivery, improved governance and stronger local systems.Aidwatch is generally happy with the Framework, but...
AID/WATCH in the news: ‘Planning Failures Derail Aid Project’
It also reveals that workers on the project endure unsafe working conditions without proper accommodation, clean water or hygienic toilets.The disruption is exposed in a report by the international consortium funding the $143 million project - Australia's...
AID/WATCH media release: AusAID dodging transparency
In February AID/WATCH released a report on the Cambodian Railways Project that detailed these problems including a botched resettlement process that had put families in danger and landed many others in debt. Civil society organizations that had raised issues with the...
Sustainable Mining? Pull The Other One!
While the Australian media were in a frenzy over mining magnate Gina Rinenhart’s attempts to take control of Fairfax, many of the world’s leaders, corporations and NGOs were at the RIO+20 summit discussing how to work together towards a sustainable...
NSW Minerals Council’s misguided response to AID/WATCH protest
AID/WATCH and Friends of the Earth together argued that the RIO+20 summit had a real potential to chart a sustainable agenda for the next two decades but that this was being undermined by the approach of the Australian Government.Read the response from the NSW...
Annual Report 2011
Read about all the great things AID/WATCH did in 2011 here.