Aid/Watch wins back charity status
Interview appeared on ABC PM Program MARK COLVIN: The advocacy group, Aid/Watch, has won back its charitable status, ending a long running battle begun by the Howard government. The fight broke out four years ago, when the Commissioner of Taxation ruled that Aid/Watch...
AID/WATCH media release: Aid money used to support Australian mining interests in Africa
“It is not the place of the Australian aid program to fund the corporate, social responsibility programs of Australian mining companies that have a moral, if not legal obligation to behave in a responsible manner,” said AID/WATCH Co-Director Liz Barrett.A...
2013 People & Planet calendar and diary
The beautiful calendar and diary with photos from around the world can be ordered by filling in the form and sending it back to AID/WATCH. In addition, this year beautiful gift cards are also available.
We Need The Truth On West Papua
Severe abuses of human and democratic rights continue in West Papua as the indigenous population struggles for the right to decide their own future as a people. As the violence escalates, it’s important we know what role Australia is playing in supporting the...
Is All Aid Good Aid?
AusAID's involvement in the Cambodian railways project has come under fire from local groups alleging human rights abuses. Is aid always a good thing? AID/WATCH's Matt Hilton on the need for transparency Article originally appeared in New Matilda By Matt Hilton...
AID/WATCH open letter to Bob Carr: Australian aid must not support the expansion of Australian mining interests overseas
Open Letter to Minister for Foreign Affairs Bob Carr: Australian aid must not support the expansion of Australian mining interests overseasWe, the undersigned organisations, understand that AusAID has been exploring options to expand partnerships between CSOs,...
AID/WATCH in the news: ‘Like’ if you want to end global poverty
go here to read the full article:http://www.theglobalmail.org/feature/like-if-you-want-to-end-global-poverty/403/
Australia Invented Pacific ‘Boomerang Aid’
When Foreign Minister Bob Carr last week moved quickly to limit criticism of China’s aid policy in the Pacific, he inadvertently put the spotlight on the motivation behind Australia’s own foreign aid program.With China’s Pacific aid program estimated...
AID/WATCH in the news: Is All Aid Good Aid?
Recently, something ground-breaking in the world of aid happened. After years of attempting to engage with AusAID, the Asian Development Bank and the Government of Cambodia, two organisations — Equitable Cambodia and Inclusive Development International —...
AID/WATCH demands an end to aid money supporting Australian mining interests overseas
The letter signed by a number of international organisations draws attention to the use of funds through the Development Assistance Program (DAP) subsidising the corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives of Australian mining companies. DAP funds are usually...
AID/WATCH in the news: AusAID report criticises PNG HIV programs
AusAID spent over 170 million dollars on HIV programs in PNG between 2007 and 2010, but the report says that there is little evidence that AusAID's support has limited the spread of HIV/AIDS.Public health organisation The Burnet Institute is partly-funded by AusAID,...
AID/WATCH sends letter to the Government over TPPA negotiations
The Hon. Dr. Craig Emerson Minister for Trade Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 Dear Dr. Emerson,Our organisations are concerned about the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade agreement (TPPA) being negotiated with the US, New Zealand, Chile, Peru, Brunei, Singapore,...