Neither proper environmental assessment nor Indigenous/Public consultation has ever been carried out for lithium extraction, and precautionary principle has not been respected.
Neither proper environmental assessment nor Indigenous/Public consultation has ever been carried out for lithium extraction, and precautionary principle has not been respected.
The project would cause the destruction of habitats and the contamination of the Alagón and Tajo river basins where the toxic waste from the mine would end up.
The Olkola Aboriginal Corporation, a large landholder on the Cape, have plans for alternative futures to lithium ‘green’ extractivism.
Australia is the world’s largest producer and exporter of lithium, supplying 54.4 percent of the total market in 2019. 95% of Australia’s ore based raw material is exported to China – already contributing to the ‘clean tech’ battery transition.
An Appalachian geological site and Mediterranean biodiversity area is under threat from Lithium mining including Australian miner Infinity Lithium