Solidarity in Action: Join Aid/Watch
Your membership is more than a contribution—it’s a commitment to a just and equitable future. Join Aid/Watch today!
Your membership is more than a contribution—it’s a commitment to a just and equitable future. Join Aid/Watch today!
Join us on Sunday 8 December to celebrate International Human Right Day: People’s rights under attack, growing resistance and international humanitarian law.
Since 2017 Aid/Watch has been a proud member and regional contact point for the Oceania region of the Yes to Life No to Mining (YLNM) global solidarity network.
You are invited to the Aid/Watch AGM, Thursday 29 August, 6:30PM AEST with campaign updates and special guests speaking on militarisation in the region.
We invite you to watch the first AidWatch webinar series on Militarisation in the Asia-Pacific on What we can learn from the Philippines?
This EOFY Appeal we hope you can continue to donate big or small to reach our modest target of $8,000