Solidarity in Action: Join Aid/Watch
Your membership is more than a contribution—it’s a commitment to a just and equitable future. Join Aid/Watch today!
Aid/Watch AGM with updates on Militarisation in the Region
You are invited to the Aid/Watch AGM, Thursday 29 August, 6:30PM AEST with campaign updates and special guests speaking on militarisation in the region.
The world-famous art and storytelling of The Beehive Collective
Straight out of Turtle Island/Canada on the “Art of Resistance World Tour,” Sakura Saunders and Darius Mirshahi from the Beehive Collective will be touring Australia
30 Years! A million reasons to give this festive season
This year, we celebrate our 30th anniversary. We know we would not be here today without the generosity and support of people like you over the years.
International Human Right Day: People’s rights under attack, growing resistance and international humanitarian law.
Join us on Sunday 8 December to celebrate International Human Right Day: People’s rights under attack, growing resistance and international humanitarian law.
Militarisation of the Asia-Pacific Region: What can we learn from the Philippines?
We invite you to watch the first AidWatch webinar series on Militarisation in the Asia-Pacific on What we can learn from the Philippines?
Environmental activists have made some important strides in confronting the Australian mining company Lynas.
BHP runs away from responsibilities
MEDIA RELEASE: Latin American communities have submitted questions to be asked at the 2022 BHP Annual General Meeting in Perth today, with the support of BHP Shareholders for Social Responsibility who have allocated proxies to Perth based environment groups.
Aid/Watch is a proud member of Yes to Life No to Mining
Since 2017 Aid/Watch has been a proud member and regional contact point for the Oceania region of the Yes to Life No to Mining (YLNM) global solidarity network.
2024 EOFY Appeal
This EOFY Appeal we hope you can continue to donate big or small to reach our modest target of $8,000
Aid/Watch welcomes Malaysia’s decision to Stop Lynas Dumping More Radioactive Waste
Australian miner Lynas Rare Earth generates massive quantities of wastes contaminated with radioactive materials, toxic heavy metals and chemicals including residual rare earth minerals in the mix in Malaysia
AID TALKS #5 | Reparations and Resilience: Decolonising Climate Finance
You are invited to Aid Talks #5 Webinar hosted by Reality of Aid-Asia Pacific and Aid/Watch Australia. Join our guest speakers as they discuss climate finance and decolonisation of aid