[Image of Lina Cabareo at Womens Day March 2021. source: Sydney International Women’s Day]
Lina Cabareo passed away last week after a prolonged illness. She was with AidWatch in the late 1990’s as a campaign coordinator, and then with Asian Women at Work, and a range of Asia solidarity organisations. Lina was an inspiration to so many activists campaigning for people’s democracy across Asia and in Australia. She played a key role in many struggles for women, peasants and workers, for social justice and socialist transformation, and was active in the movement until just a few weeks ago. Her work with Gabriella and Migrante International in Australia, over many years, was especially important. At AidWatch we are very sad to hear she has passed away and wish to extend sincere condolences to her family. In the years ahead we hope we will build on what we have learnt from Lina. Philippine Solidarity has joined our Management Committee and we now have a major focus on solidarity against authoritarianism.
From James Goodman and the AidWatch Committee of Management.
Read More: Filipino community leader Lina Cabaero-Ponnambalam passes away