In 2007- 08, approximately one billion dollars or 30% of Australia’s aid money was channelled to and through multilateral institutions and funds.[1] As the chart below shows, in 2007-08 the ADB and World Bank received 50% of Australia’s multilateral funding; with the World Bank alone receiving about 37.5%.

 Source: AusAID (2010) Statistical Summary

World Bank Group: $389 million

Australia contributes core and non-core funding to various organisations within the World Bank, including:

  • International Development Association, the concessional lending arm of the World Bank which provides interest-free loans to 79 countries;
  • Highly Indebted Poor Countries/ Multilateral Deb Relief Initiative, which provides debt relief for poor countries that have a demonstrated commitment to reform;
  • International Finance Corporation, the private sector lending arm of the World Bank, which provides financial services to businesses investing in developing countries.
  • In 2007-08 Australia contributed around $116 million to various MDTFs administered by the World Bank.[2]
  • In the 2010-11 aid budget the government announced that from 2011-12 it would contribute to a capital increase (about US$51.6 million over five years) for the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, which lends money to middle-income countries.[3]   

Asian Development Bank: $140 million

In 2007-08, Australia contributed $140 million to the ADB of which $91.5 million went to the Asian Development Fund (ADF). The ADF works in a similar way to the World Bank’s IDA in that it provides interest-free loans to developing member countries in the Asia-Pacific region.

United Nations agencies and programs: $368.3 million

In 2007-08 Australia contributed funds to over 25 UN agencies and programs. The six largest recipients received over 80% of this funding:

  • World Food Programme – WFP (86.5 million);
  • United Nations Children Fund – UNICEF (60.3 million);
  • United Nations Development Programme – UNDP ($56.5 million);
  • World Health Organisation – WHO ($36.5 million);
  • United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs – OCHA ($26.3 million)
  • United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees – UNHCR (26.1 million)

Global Environment Facility: $19.7 million

Established in 1991, the Global Environment Facility coordinates key multilateral environmental agreements and funds projects related to biodiversity, climate change, international water systems, land degradation, the ozone layer, and persistent organic pollutants.[4]

Global Fund: $45 million

Created in 2002, the Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria has become the main source of finance for programs to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. The Global Fund provides funding for more than 572 programs in 144 countries to the tune of US$ 19.3 billion.[5]

Commonwealth Organisations: $12.9 million

While Australia contributes to a number of Commonwealth organisations, most of its contributions have been directed towards the Commonwealth Fund for Technical Cooperation (about $11 million or 85% in 2007-08), which provides small-scale short term assistance in a range of sectors.

Other international and regional organisations (including IMF): $66.5 million

In 2007-08 Australia contributed around $66.5 million to a range of other international and regional organisations including the South Pacific Islands Forum/ SPC ($23.7 million), GAVI Alliance ($5.2 million), International Monetary Fund ($2.7 million), and Mekong River Commission ($4.7 million).




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Last updated 12 November 2010

[1] AusAID (2010) Statistical Summary 2005-2006, 2006-2007, 2007-2008, Australia’s International Aid Program

[2] Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade, Additional estimates 2008-2009; February 2009, Answers to questions on notice from AusAID, pp. 31-35.

[3] Australia’s International Development Assistance Budget 2010-11, 11 May 2011, p.61.

