Ending Structural Racism in the Modern-Day Aid System
Held on Thursday 21 October 2021
9 am UK / 11 am East Jerusalem / 4 pm Manila / 7 pm Australia / 8 pm Fiji
The strength of Black Lives Matter protests that echoed around the world in 2020 shone a light onto the workings of humanitarian and development organisations – organisations generally seen as committed to the greater good and staffed by altruistic heroes who put others before themselves. Hence it is not surprising that many western INGO leaders finally have been forced into engaging in discussions to ensure their organisations are anti-racist.
This Aid Talks webinar seeks to examine why aid must be decolonised and the long overdue need for honest reflection, acknowledgement, and remedy for colonisation across all facets of modern life, including within the aid sector. The webinar will unpack language and terminology like: What is structural racism? What is decolonisation? What is decoloniality? What is White Gaze? And explore how colonialisation in the region has had an enduring legacy both on poverty and the development of racial hierarchies.
Our speakers will talk to their different contexts and address the barriers which stop or serve to act as disincentives for a more equal, anti-racist aid and development program and open the conversation on ways forward as part of building a reimagined aid sector.