Frontline Responses to Australia's Green Extractivism

WEBINAR as part of the COP26 People's Summit for Climate Justice

Held on Monday 8 November 2021


Australian mining companies are investing all over the world in critical minerals such as copper, lithium and rare earth metals in order to cash in on profits to be made from the race to “net zero”.

This land grab is being greenwashed by companies and the Australian government alike in the name of ‘climate action’. But as demand for these metals grows exponentially, there is the risk of creating whole new ‘sacrifice zones’, where human rights violations and ecological destruction become acceptable collateral damage in the race to cut carbon emissions.

Join us and hear testimonies from frontlines impacted by this deeply unjust approach to the climate crisis, followed by a panel discussion and Q&A!

This session will be facilitated by Neylan Aykut from Melbourne Rainforest Action Group.