

Dalam Bahasa MelayuEnglish

如果我们想改善我们的国家, 那么现在就必须采取行动. 和我們一起反对莱纳斯在Gebeng的泥炭沼泽中建造世界上最大的放射性废物堆放场的最新提议吧。

澳大利亚非政府组织Aid/Watch 已启动在线提呈拒绝 Lynas 的永久储存槽(PDF), 以方便工公众能够提交,向环境部门发送抗议。

这是我们提呈的中文翻译 .

解释为什么我们希望环境部门拒绝莱纳斯的提议 .

请填上您的姓名、居住国家/地区以及电子邮件地址 然后向下滚动,直到看到“Submit Now”点击

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Please donate to support efforts in Malaysia and through AidWatch to compel Lynas to uphold its legal undertakings to remove its radioactive waste from Malaysia and to dispose of in accordance with Australian regulation and standards.

Malaysians are taking Lynas and its Government to the court to enforce its law on Lynas. AidWatch is working alongside Malaysian civil society in providing technical and policy advice. AidWatch is continuing to explore legal avenues to hold Lynas accountable. Your donations are much needed to help us and the Malaysians to continue our uphill battle against Lynas’ green extractivism and geopolitical powerplay.

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