ACFID: Australian Council for International Development
ADB: Asian Development Bank
ADF: Asian Development Fund
ANCP: AusAID-NGO Cooperation Program
AusAID: Australian Agency for International Development
Bonds: A bond is a debt security in which the authorised issuer (usually a government) owes the holder a debt and is obliged to repay the debt and interest at a later date.
BRG: Bismark Ramu Group: a grassroots civil society organisation that works with communities in the Madang province of Papua New Guinea.
BWIs: Bretton Woods Institutions
ECP: Enhanced Cooperation Program
CDC: Committee for Development Cooperation
CDI: Commitment to Development Index
CGD: Center for Global Development
Conditionality: refers to the conditions attached to aid money or loans
CSOs: civil society organisations
DAC: Development Assistance Committee (of the OECD)
DAP: Direct Aid Program
FSPI: Foundation of the People of the South Pacific International
HIPCI: Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative
IBRD: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
IDA: International Development Association
IDS: Institute of Development Studies
IFIs: International Financial Institutions
IMF: International Monetary Fund
MDGs: Millennium Development Goals
MDRI: Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative
New Internationalist: a not-for profit cooperative which publishes the New Internationalist magazine. It is renowned for its radical, campaigning stance on a range of world issues.
North/South: terms used to denote wealthy and poor nations respectively. The terms originated in the Brandt report of the 1970s which drew a line depicting this non-geographical divide separating the hemispheres according to wealth.
ODA: Official Development Assistance
OECD: Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
Phantom aid: aid figures which appear as aid, inflating ODA, however, are not poverty focussed.
PPPs: Public-Private Partnerships
RAMSI: Regional Assistance Mission to the Solomon Islands
Reality of Aid (RoA): the only major North/South international initiative focused exclusively on analysing and lobbying for poverty eradication policies and practices in international aid
SDI: Slum Dwellers International: a network that stretches across the globe of people, mostly women, who live in slums around the world
TA: Technical Assistance
UN Democracy Fund: Established in 2005 its primary purpose is to support democratisation throughout the world.
UN Economic & Social Council: United Nations organ facilitating international cooperation on standards-making and problem-solving in economic and social issues.
WB: World Bank