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co-hosted by

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Aid Talks Co-hosted by Aid/Watch Australia and the Reality of Aid – Asia Pacific (RoA-AP). Aid Talks aims to inform the public on how the Official Development Assistance (ODA), commonly known as aid provided by donor countries to developing nations and fragile states, is being utilized as ‘aid investment’ redirected to support private sector players and narrow security priorities over reducing inequality and poverty. In early 2020 Aid Talks started as a webinar series, in 2023 we have moved to the Aid Talks podcast.

Aid Talks where to listen


In 2023 Aid Talks moved from a webinar series to a podcast.

Listen to our first podcast on the Going Back to Basics: The ABCs of ODA with Haje Schutte, OECD-DAC, Jiten Yumman, Center for Research and Advocacy Manipur (CRAM) and Prof. Susan Engel, University of Wollongong


The Fragile Case of COVID19

The Fragile Case of COVID19

Aid Talks Webinar held on 21 April 2020 looking at conflict and fragility in this time of COVID-19 and how the outbreak exacerbates living conditions for refugees, migrants and the poor.

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AID TALKS Webinar | The Fragile Case of COVID 19

AID TALKS Webinar | The Fragile Case of COVID 19

You are invited to the first Aid Talks Webinar hosted by Reality of Aid-Asia Pacific and Aid/Watch Australia.   The Fragile Case of COVID-19 Let's talk about conflict and fragility in this time of COVID-19 and how the outbreak exacerbates living conditions for...

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In 2020 with so many of us being hit by the pandemic and having to work from home, our world started to become virtual as we faced various lockdowns. AidWatch Australia and RoA-AP will responded to this by starting the Aid Talks webinar series on a voluntary basis. Aid Talks webinars bring together field experts, professors, journalists, policymakers, CSOs, and activists from the ground to present their perspectives and evidence-based analyses on emerging topics. 


Aid Talks will continue to produce short education ‘explainer’ videos on issues realting to Aid & Development in the Asia Pacific region and beyond.